Adult WNT Classes

Wednesday Nights Together

Wednesday Nights Together is for couples, singles and families to eat a meal together in fellowship then discipleship with one another through classes and activities. Please join us for our Winter Session starting January 11.


Becoming and Being a Disciple

Room 102

Being a disciple means following disciplines that God has appointed for supplying His People and His Church with spiritual power. Our study will focus on 9 elements of the LPC Mission Statement. Disciplines are paths for accessing more joy by knowing God’s Word, seeking His ear and listening to His voice, and enjoying and working for His glory in a fellowship of believers.  Led by Pastor Stephanie Poblenz.

The Marriage School

6:30-8:30 p.m.

Why doesn’t marriage, our most intense lifelong relationship, come with a manual? We want our marriages to glorify God, but what does that really look like in daily life? We know God calls us to love and respect our spouse, but we need some practical steps to get there. The Marriage School offers The Third Option a 14-week relationship skills course that helps couples build stronger, healthier marriages. The course is designed for healthy couples who want to grow stronger, committed couples who suffer from conflict or miscommunication, and couples who are in crisis. The two-hour class includes discussion, teaching and testimony. Workbooks are included. Cost: $420 with partial and full scholarships available (free to LPC families). Led by Daniel and Rachel Sachs.

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