Are you growing in your faith? We offer a variety of classes designed to help you study the Bible and apply it to your daily life. Classes meet on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights and other times during the week. Whether you are a Bible scholar or a beginner, we have a class for you:
Classes Offered on Sundays
Faith Weavers
Community Room 102 at 9:45 a.m.
This class, led by Bernie Uchtman and Adam Waits, is for all adults. It is deeply Bible-based and life application-oriented, with open discussion.
Room 309 at 9:45 a.m.
Seeking Adults Learning Together. Our class is a fellowship that welcomes adults of all ages to join in learning opportunities that will feed our faith. We involve our group in all kinds of studies and discussions that affect current life issues and how we should live and learn by following Jesus Christ’s example.
Faith Explorers
Room 313 at 9:45 a.m.
Led by Gary Ensing, this group is for all ages who want to meet in a fun, relaxed setting for fellowship and to explore the Word of God using Right Now Media. A Zoom option is available: please Email
Bible in Life
Room 306 at 9:45 a.m.
Bible-in-Life promotes community and challenges each person to grow spiritually and to apply every lesson to their own lives in a meaningful way. The fall quarter is a study of worship practices offered as a grateful response to the covenantal relationship God initiated, first with Abraham and later with the people of Israel. All are welcome! Led by Jim Garrett.
LPC Student Center at 9:45 a.m.
Vintage is an intergenerational fellowship open to teens, parents, young adults, and people of all ages, where generations grow together in faith and discuss how God’s truth engages today’s culture.
Parents Connecting
Room 307 at 9:45 a.m.
This group is designed to support and encourage parents in the stages of their parenting journey. We gather to explore biblical principles, share experiences, and grow together in faith and parenting.
What We Offer:
Biblical Guidance: Weekly discussions centered around practical biblical teachings that relate to parenting and family life.
Supportive Community: A safe space to share joys, challenges, and receive prayer and support from fellow parents.
Practical Insights: Tips and strategies for balancing parenting, marriage, and personal spiritual growth.
Family-Friendly Environment: Children Sunday School and nursery provided during meetings, allowing parents to focus and engage fully.
Join us as we navigate the rewarding and challenging journey of parenthood with faith, love, and community.
Bible Study Groups
Men’s Bible Study
Room 313 at 7 p.m.
The Thursday evening Men’s weekly Bible study is in its 23rd year. We are studying Luke’s gospel. We meet every Thursday (except for Maundy Thursday) through the end of May in Room 313 at 7:00 p.m. We study God’s Word in an unhurried forum, discussing and sharing one another’s insights, questions and prayers as we grow together in fellowship and discipleship. Led by the Holy Spirit and coordinated by Ron Benedict and Mike Dunn. The only resource material you need for this class is your Bible.
Women’s Bible Study
Community Room 102 from 1 to 3 p.m.
ALL WOMEN are invited to attend the 7-Session WINTER class that will meet on Thursdays from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. from Jan. 9 through Feb. 20, 2025. Our study will be “When You Pray,” led by 6 Bible teachers who will guide us through 6 different Bible prayers that can inspire and transform our conversations with God. Lessons will include teaching on DVDs, discussion time, and workbook homework pages. Book Fee is $25.00 with Video Access included.
We will learn how prayer unites us to God and to one another and how to overcome struggles that may hinder talking to God.
To make sure we have adequate materials for everyone, please sign up NOW. Reply by emailing: or call/text Joyce Palmer at 513-258-6789.
Wednesday Nights Together
Covenant Relationships
God relates and reacts with his creation through covenants. Being the crown of God’s creation, God desires a covenantal relationship with us. This desire from God is constant; throughout history, God has entered this special relationship time and time again. Join us this Winter on Wednesday nights as we learn what covenants are and how God uses them to forge eternal relationships with us, the crown of his creation. Led by Tom Way.
Gospel of Mark
On Sunday mornings this winter, we will continue our study of the Gospel of Mark. Join Pastor Jeff and Pastor Stephanie on Wednesday evenings at WNT to continue the conversation. The Gospel of Mark class will be focused on a deeper application to the previous Sunday’s sermon text and studying the passage’s context. This class will be mainly discussion-based and if you miss a Sunday, don’t worry! You can still join us and be part of the conversation.
Daniel the Prophet
Many of your favorite Bible stories as a child are probably found in the book of Daniel–Daniel in the lions’ den; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace and the mysterious handwriting on the wall. But did you know Daniel also contains the personal testimony of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, detailed prophecies concerning future Gentile kingdoms hundreds of years before they came on the world scene and God’s precise timing for the Messiah’s first appearance? Come join us as we explore this wonderful book together and take inspiration from one of God’s most faithful servants who shows us how to live for God in ungodly times like our own! Our study guide will be from the NavPress LifeChange Series titled Daniel. Led by Steve Newby.
The Marriage School (6:30-8:30 p.m.)
Why doesn’t marriage, our most intense lifelong relationship, come with a manual? We want our marriages to glorify God, but what does that look like? We know God calls us to love and respect our spouse, but we need practical steps to get there. The Marriage School offers The Third Option a 14-week relationship skills course that helps couples build stronger, healthier marriages. The course is designed for healthy couples who want to grow stronger, committed couples who suffer from conflict or miscommunication, and couples who are in crisis. The class includes discussion, teaching and testimony. Cost: $420 with partial and full scholarships available (free to LPC families). Led by Daniel and Rachel Sachs.