Student Ministries at LPC take many different forms, but at every gathering, activity and event, the student ministry team strives to foster an environment where students encounter the real and living person of Jesus Christ through intentional, loving relationships.
Weekly programs, summer activities and service opportunities are available for students grades 7-12. In each setting, students are exposed to five areas of spiritual growth – Service, Worship, Outreach, Discipleship and Fellowship. Teens, grades 7-12 and Parents meet together in Vintage Family Sunday school year round on Sundays for a time of teaching during the Sunday School hour.

Encounter Wednesdays 7-12 Grade
Encounter, LPC’s 7th to 12th grade youth group meets on Wednesday evenings. Encounter on Wednesdays is focused on reinforcing the basics of faith in Jesus and building a life-long relationship with Jesus. Wednesday nights at Encounter includes active games, singing and student leader led Bible studies. Upperclassmen and college students take a leadership role on Wednesday nights through leading small group discussions and planning activities.
Encounter “Deep” High School Discipleship Sundays 9th-12th
Encounter HS Discipleship group meets on Sunday evenings. At our discipleship focused meetings students dig into how Jesus is the core of their identity, ask big questions and wrestle with their faith in a safe space guided by caring adult leaders. Each summer our high school students go on a mission trip that encourages students to serve God through cross-cultural experiences.
Student Leadership Team & Encounter Band
The Student Leadership Team is a group of juniors and seniors who are committed to investing in the lives of younger & peer teenagers and disciplining them in their walk with Jesus. Members of the Student Leadership Team lead Wednesday night small groups and plan regular activities and retreat themes. The Encounter Band is open to all 7th-12th graders who have an interest in singing, learning to play an instrument, audio visual technology, computers and film-making. Band practice and planning occurs once a month on a Sunday to practice and plan worship events for the month.
Summer Ministries
Encounter takes a break from our regular routine over the Summer in favor of big trips, summer fun and small devotions.
Junior High Summers: In the Summer we find special and exciting opportunity for our 6th, 7th and 8th graders go to on a trip together. We have lots of crazy fun and are introduced to Jesus Christ. All Current 6th, 7th, 8th Graders are invited to participate!
High School Summers: Our high school students (current 8-12th) go on a mission trip that encourages students to serve God through cross-cultural experiences. In addition to our junior high summer fun and high school mission trip students meet up at weekday youth room devotions and hangouts, fellowship gatherings like Cincinnati Reds games, pool parties, river tubing, short trips to Cedar Point, and service projects.
Parents and Students are invited to attend Vintage Family Sunday School on Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in the LPC Student Center #303. Vintage is a time devotion and study for parents and teens to gather together to learn and follow Jesus as a family. Please join with us as we breathe life into something old and become something new. Lessons start at 9:45 a.m. Contact Andrew for more information.
Join us for special Sunday school meetings for parents of all ages and stages of parenthood. We will look deeply at the challenges that keep us from nurturing faith in our kids and ways we can strive to overcome them.
(Grades 8th – 12th)
At LPC children are not automatically members just because their parents are. Through the Kaleo class we want our (8th-12th grade) students to answer the “kaleo” or call to follow Jesus and to make a personal decision to follow Him and join His church. Students will receive a LPC Elder Mentor who will walk through the basics of faith with them in a flexible meeting each month. The goal of the Kaleo class is to give students the opportunity to respond to Jesus’ call through public profession of faith and acceptance as full members of LPC. Kaleo sign-up begins at the end of the summer and runs September/October through Mid-March
Student Ministry Team
The student ministry team is made of adult members of LPC with diverse spiritual gifts who take on the administrative ministry role over LPC’s Student Ministries. Their prayer is that through the relationships they help Discipleship Leaders build with students, God will speak the truth of His holiness and His grace, and call students to an identity rooted in His love for them. The Student Ministry Team is committed to help students engage with the whole congregation and to help the congregation invest in junior high and high school students. We are always looking for people to join us in a variety of roles including providing hospitality and food, youth room building and maintenance projects and leading students though direct discipleship ministry. Contact Andrew if you have gifts to share in our ministry.
LPC Scholarships