Adult Sunday School
Faith Weavers – Room 102
This class, led by Jim and Rosie VanDeGrift, is for all adults. It is deeply Bible-based and life application-oriented, with open discussion.
Faith Explorers – Room 313
Led by Gary Ensing, this group is for all ages who want to meet in a fun, relaxed setting for fellowship and to explore the Word of God using Right Now Media. A Zoom option is available: please Email
Bible in Life – Room 306
Bible-in-Life promotes community and challenges each person to grow spiritually and to apply every lesson to their own lives in a meaningful way. The winter quarter explores faith that pleases God through multiple books from the Bible. All are welcome! Led by Jim Garrett.
Parents Connecting – Room 307
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles
What is your calling as a parent? Many parents get lost while folding laundry, coordinating carpool schedules, and breaking up fights. Feeling pressure to do everything “right” and raise “good” children, it’s easy to lose sight of our ulti-mate purpose as parents in the quest for practical tips and guaranteed formulas. This study will share foundational principles centered on the gospel that shows us that we need more than the latest parenting strategy or list of techniques. Led by John Untener & Christy Johnson.
S.A.L.T Class – Room 309
Seeking Adults Learning Together. Our class is a fellowship that welcomes adult singles and couples of all ages to join in learning opportunities to feed our faith. We involve our group in studies about current life issues and how we should live and learn by following Jesus Christ’s example.
Vintage – LPC Student Center
Parents and Jr. High/High School students are invited to a time of student led devotion and a mix of large and small group discussions. Please join us as we breathe life into something old.
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